
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Why your blogs needs Awkward's Tamara #Awkward #AwkwardMTV

USE TAMARA's fix for JENNA's approach to get away from her #137 spot.

In the SE4ep1 opener, Jenna refused Tamar's help to get from 137 to below 10 ranking.
Then she saw the light.
Tamara helped.
Jenna saw Sadie using the bus.
Jenna helped Matty.
Your blog needs Tamara.
You need to be put on a schedule.
Stop hanging out with  the Colins and other addictive stuff that is bad for you.

Checklist, A LA Tamara

1) Topic from your own private memos or topic bank, see older blog post.(LOL)
Yes, LOL is now in dictionaries.
2)Link to your tweets
3)Analytics script
4)Links to your topics discussion
5)Recent photos from Pinteret,Instagram.
6)Link to one of the most popular posts
7)Quotes from your most favorite blog.
Anything else that you absolutely need!

Checklist AFTER posting the new topic?

  • Tweet, FB, Google +
  • Guest post
  • Invite your colleagues
  • Ping

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