I took many classes and also learned a great deal of software, coding and analytics by myself. I worked for a company that hired me to analyze data.
One day, a superior complained about how little email space they get. I said: Well some emails are evidence. So that is not ethical!" He submitted that idea, never gave me credit. I never shared another idea. He asked me if I was okay because I did not have a smart comment any more during meetings. I told him that I am in "Observe and report mode."
During my post graduate studies , I created a system to update information about a hypothesis without manual curating. a professor had his student put that in his thesis.
It was meant for my thesis.

Whitaker of ASU accused of plagiarism.
The problem gets compounded when your idea is stolen by a superior you trust.
Now when I have an idea, I don't share it. If I am forced to, I set a trap.
I trained a kid to code in a scripting language. I knew he would copy from the first 10 matches he would get in Google. I gave him a list of sites to not copy from. ( Also, in this kind of teaching environment, if you dont cite, you lose 30% of your grade and you should feel lucky I did not turn you in for unprofessional behavior and lack of academic integrity.) He asked for extra time and did everything on his own, 0 plagiarism. I created a smart coder.
Its harder to monitor when your audience in the social media is much larger and there are unethical people everywhere. If you are blogging, who owns your work? The hosting platform? How will you prevent the theft of your ideas? If you have pins, who owns them. Because they are public, should I be able to use them any way I want?
How will you prevent the theft of your ideas, tweets, posts and pins?
I now know 45 authors who also blog and thats the major ones making a million a year.
How do they prevent plagiarism? How did Seamus Heany protect his beautiful imagery via the phrase " cascades of chlorophyll " ( My beer bud told me not to use this, b/c it sounds sissy. In his defense, we both had a beer or two.)
I would love to get your take on plagiarisms, incidents and prevention if plagiarism.
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